The most common podological problems. Podology is a young field that classifies itself between medicine and cosmetology. Entered in the competition register as a podologist, existing since 2005. Until recently, podiatry offices were a rarity, today there are more and more places on the market that provide this type of service. If you want to answer as simply as possible, what does podology do , you should – feet and everything that takes place within them. Thinking about what problems you can have with your feet at all, many of us would not even realize how much work can be done within them. In this article you will want to write about it, but before we get to it, one must realize one crucial issue

Podology is a field of cosmetology, but it has little to do with cosmetology itself. Going to a podologist specialist you will not get a relaxing massage, a pleasant relaxing bath for your feet, or nail painting. This is primarily where the problems with which patients come forward are treated, and there are really many of them. Some are trivial, others very serious, but it doesn’t really matter, because if a patient has a problem that prevents him from functioning, causes pain or causes discomfort, it should be removed as soon as possible. A specialist podologist who is good at his profession is able to quickly and accurately diagnose the problem, and also very quickly implement such treatment that will contribute to the fact that the condition of the disease will be resolved.

Problems with the skin of the feet

One of the parts that podology deals with is everything that concerns the skin of the feet. There are really many problems that arise. The most common viral warts as well as calluses, including calluses, corns and corns. In each of these cases, you can use different methods to remove or fight them, and it really depends on how advanced the patient is, how many of these problems are where they are. Sometimes, when removing warts, firing will be better, and sometimes freezing will be much better. A good podologist is able to choose the method of treatment in such a way that it turns out to be the best and most effective method of treatment for a given patient.

The next problems are undoubtedly the cracking heels, a very serious problem, causing great pain, great discomfort, as well as unsightly appearance. Podology is able to apply such methods to be able to deal with any such problems. Sometimes one, sometimes several visits are enough and our heels can look really great and walking will cease to cause pain. What else can be treated at the podologist’s skin on the feet? Undoubtedly, all kinds of bacterial and fungal infections, as well as excessive sweating with which a large number of people deal. These are only the most common occurrences of the skin of the feet, but there are many more and if they cause any pain, discomfort or just our anxiety, it is definitely worth going to the podologist to be able to diagnose and treat the condition. Let us remember that the sooner we undergo treatment, the easier it will be. By delaying, we can face even more serious problems, and their cure may prove to be much more difficult than if we had started treatment for it much earlier.

Problems with the nail plate

The second part that podology deals with is the problem with the nail plate. There can also be a lot of problems here that are sometimes difficult to deal with. There are changes or conditions in which only a specialist can help us. So what does nail plate diseases cover? Of course, the most common are ingrown toenails. There is a problem with a very large percentage of people and it can cause really unusually big pain. To protect him and eliminate him, the podologist using appropriate techniques is able to help us eliminate this problem. Another of the ailments is detachment of the nail plate, thickened or tubular nails. Often there are bacterial as well as fungal infections within the nails. It also happens that as a result of various events, the nail is pulled out. Therefore, in this case, you can use nail plate reconstruction to obtain an artificial nail or part of it that will not be different from natural nails. The ground, however, is to choose a specialist who knows this and who uses such methods so that every patient receives the highest quality of services.


Not every podology clinic is the same and not every office employs people who are worth trusting in their ranks. However, we are convinced that if we find the right one, we will definitely be satisfied and the problem with the feet will cease to be tiring for us.

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