How to plan a move?

How to plan a move? Moving is a very complicated process. It requires a lot of commitment, work and time from us. Nowadays, we have very little time and most often we plan and carry out the move in a spontaneous way. This is a big mistake.

Let’s decide: on your own or with the help of a moving company

Before we start discussing the entire removal process , we must decide at the very beginning whether we want to carry out the entire removal ourselves or whether we prefer to trust a company specializing in removals. Both of these solutions have their pluses and minuses. When it comes to the pros of hiring a moving company, we have nothing on our minds. The company takes care of everything.

Company representatives pack all items to be transported, transport them safely and unpack them in our new place of residence. Basically, this company does everything for us. In such a situation, we have absolutely nothing to worry about. With our own car, we can drive from one apartment to another and after the entire move. The downside to choosing this solution is, of course, the price. We are not able to give an official price, but we need to know that we have to pay our price.

The price depends on the distance between the two apartments, the number of items and the scope of services. If we decide to move ourselves, the advantage is that we do not have to pay anyone anything. However, there are definitely a lot of downsides as well. We have to take care of our move from A to Z and we will not cover them all in one day. It’s impossible. Now we will talk about the moving process from A to Z.

Moving from A to Z

Whatever, but every person who plans to move should get acquainted with the moving process itself . We already know that it is extremely complicated, but we do not know what to bet on. So how should we plan everything? First of all, we should do a small inventory in our things. We know perfectly well that we store a lot of things or clothes that we do not use or wear. There will certainly also be damaged or non-working products. Everyone has some old radio that doesn’t pick up a station, but we leave it out of sentiment. Taking all these things to a new apartment or house is completely pointless. So we throw all these things away. We absolutely do not pack them and do not transport them.

The next step is packaging. There are two schools here. The first school is to pack all products indoors. Therefore, we describe cardboard boxes as: kitchen, living room, bathroom, bedroom. Thus, when we unpack in a new place, we know perfectly well which things should be unpacked in a given room. This way we don’t get confused. People who want to change something in their new place of residence are skeptical about this idea and, for example, the chest of drawers that stood in the living room will be in the hall in the new house. Following this scheme, we will get into a big mess in such a situation. Let’s not let that happen.

So what is the other school like? It is based on packing individual thematic items into cardboard boxes, such as: books, clothes, plates, pots, cosmetics and the like. The biggest mistake we can make is to pack everything as it goes into any unlabelled cardboard boxes. This way, we’ll get quite a mess. We will have a big problem with mastering all this in the new place of residence.

Transport of cardboard boxes, furniture and other things

When we have everything packed, it remains for us to transport all the junk. There are several options here as well. If we have a large car, we can transport all things ourselves. In turn, when we do not have a sufficiently large car, we can ask our friends if someone will help us or decide to cooperate with a transport company .

Certainly, cooperation with a transport company is much cheaper than cooperation with a moving company. However, when we have a large car, it will not be a problem to take care of everything on our own. Then we are not exposed to any costs.


As you can see in the attached picture, we can move efficiently, quickly and inexpensively. It is possible. However, we must also be aware that it is a complicated logistical process and if we are not good at planning, it will be better to outsource the work to professionals right away. In fact, we have been preparing for the move for many weeks. It is not so easy to pack all the achievements of our lives and just transport everything. We must bear all this in mind so as not to be disappointed later. When we are a well-organized person, the move will pass without any major problems. There are probably also people among us who like to plan and organize everything on their own. Then we have a seal over everything.

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