Musical talent

Musical talent. For most of us, an environment without music might not exist. This is an important element of the development of every young person, at the same time the sounds of music accompany us at every stage of life. Often this already occurs at the stage of pregnancy and at birth, and then appears at every possible situation – birthdays, weddings and other important family celebrations and more. And what if the toddler likes music very much and would like to start developing in this direction?

Learning music

Musicality positively affects the development of a small person, because it wonderfully supports the development of personality and mind as well as brain formation. In addition, regular learning to play the piano of the youngest children at home or at a music school teaches regularity, which translates into higher quality and greater assimilation of the learning later It is also much easier for parents at this stage to show them how to derive satisfaction and joy from learning and the first successes achieved during education. It is also a good time to learn humility and deal with the first difficulties that each of us will experience a lot.


Music is for everyone, because specialists in numerous fields of medical and cognitive science already recommend getting used to it during pregnancy by listening to different songs. Classical music, especially Mozart’s compositions, is extremely important and recommended at this stage. At the remaining stages of life, i.e. in the newborn and infant age, children, teenagers, adults and even later it is a moment of oblivion, relaxation and accompanies many of us during important moments of life. It is believed that regardless of the level of musicality and skills demonstrated in this direction, it is a department for everyone. An interesting proposition for people with abilities in the field of music is the Szczecin music school and further development of their skills in this direction. People with additional entrepreneurship and several other skills can gain fame, prestige and future profession that can also become a lucrative source of income.

However, difficult questions remain, which parents of musically talented children must answer. Is this momentary interest or already a passion that should be supported in development? Is your toddler ready to start learning at this stage of life? Will the first classes in private or at school with a music profile make your child happy or will they be a reason for sadness? These and many other questions and doubts arise at every greater interest of the child. Nevertheless, the situation in the case of willingness to develop in the field of music is often more difficult in most cases.

When to start music education?

Learning musicality is possible at a music school , but also in other educational institutions such as a nursery or kindergarten. At an early stage of learning and supporting these skills (because from an early age, i.e. even one-year and two-year-old children can participate in such classes), music is an element of interesting fun and a type of entertainment often sought by children. Children between the ages of one and five years are fond of dancing, singing together, musical rhymes and numerous games that also use sounds – music. It should be emphasized that if you choose additional classes from music, they should contain primarily elements of fun (so as not to alienate your child at this stage for future education, besides, the time for proper learning comes much later).

It is believed that the younger the child, the easier it is to shape his musical sense. In addition, young children develop very well during this period of hearing and musical sensitivity, and these are very important features of the future musician. At this time, the child has a natural sense of rhythm, which is worth developing above all under the guidance of professionals at a music school . Therefore, regardless of whether the child will attend school with a music profile or only after some time, it should be taken care of the right number of typically children’s songs and other music genres (including primarily songs from the genre of classical music) . In Polish education it is accepted that the first contact with a musical instrument takes place only at the age of about six – eight years. Earlier rehearsals are primarily fun and creative creativity of the toddler, not typical and professional education that allows you to master the instrument. It is important to match the level of learning to the predisposition and skills of the child.

The role of a parent in music education

The parent should support their child at every stage, regardless of the type of passion they want to develop. If you take up education at a music school, this may be more demanding, as it requires a lot of regularity and your own work. In addition, the child and music school are a serious logistical challenge for the whole family. This applies to both the issue of participating in teacher-led activities and the practice of playing an instrument at home.

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